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Category: Healthcare Insights

grandma and grandchild on a window plane social distancing

Nursing Homes, Senior Care Facilities Get CDC Attention

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article and survey, there are at least 10,700 Coronavirus deaths in U.S. nursing homes and long-term care facilities among more than 35 states that either report data online or responded to requests for information.
Hospital Operating Room

Update: Funding Opportunities

The finances of hospitals, long-term care facilities, and medical practices have been adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. ERDMAN is monitoring these efforts and will periodically issue updates as new information is available.
Patient room in emergency department

CMS: Surge Allows Hospitals to Use Other Facilities

On March 30, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator announced sweeping regulatory changes to address the surge in the number of patients requiring care expected due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
two doctors having discussion

CARES Act Provisions for Hospitals, Medical Practices, Nursing Home Facility Changes

We are indebted to all healthcare professionals throughout the United States. The recently passed CARES Act includes provisions to assist healthcare organizations and providers expand technical and physical capabilities to meet the burgeoning demand.
Healthcare policy concept with graphs and stethoscope

Healthcare Policy Watchlist

While it’s typical for federal legislative activity in the U.S. Congress to slow down during election years, other state & federal agencies remain busy in the health policy and rule-making arena. Here are February’s “watchlist” items for health system leaders and partners.
Dolllars overlaying U.S. Capitol

New Government Spending Report Shows Providers Slipping in Key Sectors

The latest government spending report released by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services illustrates the enormity and complexity of the healthcare industry. Read more to discover some surprising changes regarding where health dollars have been spent.
Rush University Medical Center Exterior Nighttime

Special Focus: Primary Care and Retail Clinics

There is renewed focus on the role of primary care and preventive health in U.S. healthcare. Primary care is widely accepted as the gatekeeper for essential services provided by hospitals, and also serves as the principal vehicle to reduce the cost of treatment.
Rush Medical Center Lobby

Healthcare Environments

Research across multiple industries shows the power of positive consumer experiences on business results. Organizations with positive experiences grow faster, have higher margins, and enjoy a better reputation than their competitors.
ER on Lovers Lane Patient Room


Market forces are driving significant changes to the way hospitals operate in their communities, and competition is intensifying. Micro-hospitals offer community hospitals and health systems a strategy to respond to these market forces.
Doctor assessing baby with stethoscope

The Future of Demand for Hospitals

Historically, demand forecasting for hospitals has been relatively predictable, based on the demography in a community, its population growth and historic mortality rates. However, in light of recent dynamics, this straightforward approach is no longer sufficient.

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